McCann Structural Solutions

Innovative Structural Solutions

Structural Design

Structural Design

Sound structure with professional design.

Structural Damage Review

Structural Damage Review

Have an engineer review structural damage.

Structural Engineering Analysis

Structural Engineering Analysis

Checking for structural adequacy.

Structural Engineering in Everett, WA

I am licensed as a Civil Engineer (since 1979) and a Structural Engineer (since 1981). I started out a student trainee in the public sector in 1968 while in college, and returned from four years in the Army Corps of Engineers to do two years in the public sector. I’ve been in the private sector ever since 1978. I bring 38 years of structural engineering to the table. I have worked in both public and private sectors over the years, and have over 40 years of engineering experience with a wide variety of projects that utilize many different structural materials.

As a single-employee office, I provide structural engineering services, calculations, details, specifications, and plans as needed. I also provide structural damage investigations and suggest remedial measures when necessary. I try not to reinvent the wheel when solving problems considering the budget, the needs of the client, the abilities of the contractor, and the constraints of the site. However, I am not afraid to step out of the box when a different solution is needed. McCann Structural Solutions is flexible towards the needs of our clients.

Verify the integrity of your foundation with professional analysis and design. Contact McCann Structural Solutions today for over 30 years of design experience. Give me a call at (425) 879-7949 to find out more about what I can offer you.



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